Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our EJHS families. Check out the link below to get some "food" for thought this holiday. Wishes to all parents, students and staff for abundances of fun, food and family!


Monday, September 9, 2013

PowerSchool and Power Announcement are now active!

PowerSchool is now active, as of Monday, September 9th, 2013.  Parents and Students can now access PowerSchool to monitor attendance and grades by logging into

In addition, our new Power Announcement system is up and running.  Parents must use their PowerSchool Parent log in to access the Power Announcement link.  Parents are then able to select the format in which you want to receive any announcements from the school, including snow days.  Here is a short instructional video on how to establish your Power Announcement settings: parent

Call the Jr. High Office if you have further questions.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our 1st Day Together!

Beautiful, smiling faces...
eager learners...
shiny classrooms...
enthusiastic staff...
meeting new friends...
greeting old friends...
Together we can do anything!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

2012-13 proves to be a successful year for our new EJHS!

A huge thank you to all EJHS families, students, and teachers for a successful first year as the new Escanaba Junior High!  It never ceases to amaze me how each year flies by more quickly than the last.  I have a few end of the year reminders and upcoming dates to share with you before we release our students for the summer.

  • Thursday, June 6th:  Last day of school/Early Release at 11:55 due to Exams
  • Quarter 4 Report Cards mailed the week of June 17th.
  • Math Kickstart Program:  Open to all incoming 7th & 8th grade students who might need a jumpstart to get their "math brains" moving prior to the start of next school year.  This free program will be held the week of August 12th & 19th, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 9-11am.  This is a voluntary program to help build foundational math skills in struggling students.  Please call the Jr. High Office or Principal's Office to reserve your child's spot. (786-6521)
  • An additional resource for math tutoring during the summer months can be found at  Let your child try out some of the lessons to practice their skills.
  • Friday, August 23rd:  7th & 8th Grade Pictures and Schedule pick up for the 2013-14 school year.
  • Wednesday, August 28th:  Back to School Open House for all incoming 7th & 8th grade students and parents.  We will start at 6pm with a welcome presentation for all our families in the auditorium, followed by an opportunity to walk through our facility and meet many of our teaching staff.  The Open House will conclude by 7:30pm.
  • Our new Powerschool messaging system is now operational.  In order to receive  messages (snow day, upcoming events, athletic events, etc.) from the school, please be sure to provide up to date home phone, cell phone, and email information to the Jr. High office so that the automated system can work effectively.  This will be a fantastic school to home communication link.  Stay tuned for messages from us in the fall!
I hope everyone enjoys the summer break and I look forward to your return in September!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Jr. High "Mo News" Editors

I can't believe the 4th Quarter is already here!  We've had a fantastic year so far, with many new opportunities at EJHS.

Here are a few of our upcoming important dates to keep in mind...

1.  Our EJHS PTO had Lifetouch pictures here for Spring photos.  Twenty percent of the proceeds come back to our PTO to be distributed for classroom needs.  All photos, whether you are ordering pictures or not, need to be returned to the office before April 18th.  Lifetouch will be picking up any unpurchased photos.
2.  School physicals are being conducted the week of April 15th.  Part 1 for all Jr. High girls will be on Tuesday, April 16th during school, boys will be on Wednesday, April 17th.  Part 2 for all students will be held the evening of May 1st, beginning with Orchestra students at 5pm, followed by Seniors, Juniors, etc.  Next year's 8th graders will be last at 6:15pm.  Please call the Jr. High office if you have any questions.
3.  Track is in full swing.  Come watch our Jr. High runners at our home meet on Tuesday, May 21st.
4.  We will be bringing our current 6th graders over to the Jr. High on a date to be determined in late May for their tour of their new home.  They will be bussed over with their teachers and I will spend some time talking to them about the expectations of them as "Jr. High" students.  Parents will be invited to attend an "Open House" in May as well to answer any questions they may have.
5.  The 8th grade will hold its final band concert of the year on Wednesday, May 29th, followed by the 7th Grade on Thursday, May 30th.  Both concerts will be held in the EHS Auditorium at 7p.m.
6.  We are planning end of the year picnics for our Jr. High students at Ludington Park to wrap up their school year.  The 7th grade is scheduled for May 30th and the 8th grade for May 31st.  Food, games and prizes will be provided.  Much more information to follow from the Jr. High teachers!
7.  The final 3 days of the school year (June 4th, 5th, and 6th) will be exam days with an early release each day at 11:55.  Jr. High students will be served lunch prior to leaving each of the three days.
8.  Please encourage your child to watch their attendance points in each of their classes.  Remember, the Attendance Policy is in effect.  Any student exceeding 9 points in any class will receive a failing grade for quarter 4 due to lack of attendance.

How fast the school year speeds by!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Our Jr. High Students working to "Be The Change"after Challenge Day 2012!

Upcoming Dates and Events to Remember:

January 24th & 28th:  Exam Days. (How did your student do with the new attendance policy?)  
January 25th:  No School for students (Teacher Workday) (End of Quarter 2)
January 31st:  Parent Meeting for all students grades 8-12 regarding High School Scheduling for fall.
February 4th:  Report Cards sent home.
February 18th:  No School (Presidents' Day)
February 22nd:  No School- Students (Teacher Professional Development - ISD)
March 5th:  EXPLORE Testing for all 7th & 8th Grade Students
March 6th & 7th:  Early Release days due to MME Testing and Professional Development.
March 8th:  Lifetouch Spring Pictures for Jr. High students
March 8th:  Science Theater Presentation sponsored by Michigan State University
March 29th:  Good Friday - No School
April 1-5:  Spring Break!