Friday, January 25, 2013

Our Jr. High Students working to "Be The Change"after Challenge Day 2012!

Upcoming Dates and Events to Remember:

January 24th & 28th:  Exam Days. (How did your student do with the new attendance policy?)  
January 25th:  No School for students (Teacher Workday) (End of Quarter 2)
January 31st:  Parent Meeting for all students grades 8-12 regarding High School Scheduling for fall.
February 4th:  Report Cards sent home.
February 18th:  No School (Presidents' Day)
February 22nd:  No School- Students (Teacher Professional Development - ISD)
March 5th:  EXPLORE Testing for all 7th & 8th Grade Students
March 6th & 7th:  Early Release days due to MME Testing and Professional Development.
March 8th:  Lifetouch Spring Pictures for Jr. High students
March 8th:  Science Theater Presentation sponsored by Michigan State University
March 29th:  Good Friday - No School
April 1-5:  Spring Break!