Thursday, December 17, 2015

MHSAA Live Video Streaming

Once again we are pleased to provide a service to our Escanaba Schools families.  Our Broadcasting Club advisor moved to a new position this year at the ISD, so we are happy to have Cheri Lehto, one of our EHS teachers, taking over the advisory role.  With her help and that of some experienced Broadcasting club student members, we will be making our first attempt of the year at live streaming tonight's  Jr./Sr. High Orchestra Concert, as well as Monday night's (Dec. 21st) Jr./Sr. High Chorus & Chorale concert.  If you are not able to watch it live, it will be available on the MHSAA site for future viewing.

Generosity is Contagious!

It always amazes me the generosity of our community when it comes to our students.  

We have a gentlemen who drops off new clothing items for our boys and girls clothes closets at the Jr./Sr. High School almost weekly.  

A local community member dropped off a $5000 check yesterday for our "Christmas Kids" program here at the Jr./Sr. High that provides a party and gift certificates to almost 200 of our most needy children here at school.  Ensuring an extra special Christmas for each of them.

Today, I even had a 9th grade girl approach me, asking for my assistance, because her mom was giving her $300 for Christmas and she wanted to turn around and donate it to students here in the Escanaba district who might be struggling, so they could have a nice Christmas. 

It warms my heart, that our staff, students, and community are so generous and supportive. 

 Thank you for your kindness.
Darci Griebel
EHS Principal

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What a great place to be!

I hope that caught your eye... That one statement holds so much truth and clarity.  After serving in my new role as the EHS principal for the past 6 months, I have witnessed the fantastic skills and compassion that are exhibited by our teachers here at the high school. This group of teachers has stepped up to take on a variety of leadership roles in helping to make our school run like a well oiled machine. Normally, there would be growing pains while a new administrator takes the helm, but not in this case. The entire staff has really been supportive and understanding as they get used to new leadership and the changes that comes with it.  I truly appreciate the strength and student focused atmosphere that the staff of EHS exhibits daily. Thank you for all you do for our students and families!  Thanks to all of you...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Project Graduation Meeting!! Senior Parents needed!

There will be a Project Graduation meeting for all Senior parents in the EHS library on October 13th at 6pm. All parents are needed to make the Senior All Night Party, a huge success. I hope to see many of you at our meeting on Wednesday!

Fall PSAT 2015

Fall PSAT for all Juniors is scheduled for Wednesday, October 14th from 7:30 am until noon. This assessment makes students eligible to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship and provides students a pre-SAT measure that will give them a snapshot of strengths and weaknesses to better prepare for the spring SAT test on April 12th. Students need to create a account in. KhanAcademy (free resources) and Collegeboard to better serve their needs, allow for test data to be uploaded, and find practice items and a multitude of resources to help them improve. Good luck !!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Parent Advisory Committee Meeting

We will be having our first Parent Advisory Committee meeting of the 15-16 school year tomorrow, September 16th at 6pm in the high school library.  Come join us if you are interested in volunteering for events, or having a voice in the events and activities of EHS.  All input is appreciated and there are many opportunities to be a part in your child's high school years.  It's amazing how many parents stop being a part of the school system when their child enters EHS, but that doesn't have to be you.  Come attend one of our meetings, or simply send me an email at: and let me know you would like to be added to the parent advisory email group and I will get you signed up to receive updates.
Hope to see many of you tomorrow night!
Darci Griebel
EHS Principal
Parent/Student PowerSchool access for the 2015-16 school year goes active tomorrow!  Come check us out regularly!
EHS Parents and Students,

It's hard to believe but on this nice, balmy September evening,  I'm thinking of snow days.... not wishing for them, but planning for how to get word out to everyone when that unexpected heavy snow or ice appear in October or November (lets hope it's not that early!).  Please follow the instructions on the letter from our Superintendent below that was originally sent out in 2013.  This letter can be found on the district website by going to the webpage and clicking on the PowerSchool tab (located on the right side of the page.  Click on "Power Announcement Parent Letter".  This will give you instructions to go to your parent access in PowerSchool and click on "Power Announcement".  Then place your correct contact info so that the announcements can reach you effectively.  Even your child can have their contact info in for a cell or email to receive updates.  Please click on the link below to see the set up info.

Darci Griebel
EHS Principal

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

EHS Homecoming Activities and Events: (Theme - Board Games)

Float Building:
Begins Saturday, Sept. 19th:  Float Building begins at the Beef Barn of the Fair Grounds @ 9am.  Parent Chaperones must be present at all times, please consider taking a shift.  Barns close at 11pm on Saturday, and 9pm on all school nights.  All floats must be ready to transport by 3:45 on Friday, Sept. 25th to the parade launch location for judging.

Dress Up Days:
Monday, Sept. 21:  College Apparel Day
Tuesday, Sept. 22: Holiday Day
Wednesday, Sept. 23:  Fandom Day
Thursday, Sept. 24:  Decades Day (Srs:  80's, Jrs. 20's, Soph 50's, Frosh 70's)
Friday, Sept. 25:  Orange and Black Spirit Day

Friday, Sept. 25th:
Pep Assembly during 6th hr in the gym
Parade begins at 5pm on Ludington Street by the Library.
Powder Puff Game at the Football field begins at 7pm. $2 Donation at the door goes to a charity named by the seniors.  This year's charitable recipient is Bay Cliff Health Camp.

Saturday, Sept. 26th:
All floats delivered to the south end of the football field by 10 a.m.
JV Football game at 10:30 am.
Varsity Football vs. Detroit Country Day begins at 1pm
Crowning of King and Queen at halftime.
Dance from 8-11 in the commons for grades 9-12.  Guests passes must be approved in advance. Senior parents needed as coat check and chaperones.  Contact Darci Griebel.

Monday, July 6, 2015

New Leadership at EHS

It is my honor and privilege to be moving into a new role as Principal of the Escanaba Senior High School as of July 1st, 2015.  The high school has been under the guidance of outgoing principal, Doug Leisenring, for the past 8 years and is truly operating like a well-oiled machine.  EHS has become "the place to be" for staff and students alike.  Under Mr. Leisenring's watch, the high school has excelled academically, as well as culturally.  Students coming through the Escanaba High School prove to be well prepared for their futures, be it attending the college of their choice, developing a skill/trade, or moving into the work force.  
It is my goal to not only prepare our students for the difficult road ahead, but to increase their likelihood for personal success in obtaining the future career of their choosing. I embrace the challenges of this new role and look forward to serving the students and families of the Escanaba Schools.

Darci Griebel
EHS Principal

Saturday, April 25, 2015

New MSTEP Testing Kicks Off at EJHS

Escanaba Junior High 8th grade students have completed their first experience at the new Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (MSTEP).  This assessment was our students first try at a fully online format of testing.  After much preparation, involving taking practice tests provided by the Michgan Department of Education and trying out the new online testing tools that assist students during the test process, we have successfully completed one round of testing.

Seventh grade students will begin their MSTEP testing on Monday, May 4th with the English/Language Arts (ELA) Classroom Activity that will prepare them to do the ELA Performance task.  The 7th Grade students will be testing daily through Monday, May 11th.  Please make every attempt to have your child attend school during the testing period, as well as getting a full night's sleep and eating well.  Cell phones are not permitted in the testing rooms, and students will be asked to leave them in lockers or at home for the day.

We are encouraging all students to try their best on the assessment.  This will help provide an accurate measure of student performance and growth, as well as providing us the information needed to make effective instructional improvements to ensure student success.  For more information regarding the MSTEP assessment, check out the link below:,4615,7-140-22709_70117---,00.html

Large M-Step logo

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead at EJHS & EHS!

A team of math and science teachers from EHS and EJHS are working together with Sr. High Principal, Doug Leisenring and myself to help bring STEM related instruction and opportunities to our Escanaba students.  This is being done with the support of an i3 (SECEP) grant involving 5 ISD's around Michigan and Connecticut.  STEM education refers to "Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics" and is becoming the focus to prepare our students for college and career readiness. 
  • Job outlook predictions estimate that jobs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) will increase 17% by 2018, with 1.2 million unfilled STEM jobs because of a lack of qualified workers.

We believe the our Escanaba Schools take STEM beyond just science, technology, engineering, and math, by incorporating what we do best...Arts! So, instead of just becoming a STEM school, we are focusing our efforts on being a S.T.E.A.M. school! We are looking to provide our students with all of the skills necessary to make them the qualified workers that employers will be looking for in the future, around the globe. The Escanaba Jr. High will be adopting a STEM program for the 2015-16 school year that will be provided to all of our 7th & 8th grade science students called "Project Lead the Way". This is a hands on, problem solving curriculum of STEM related lessons to help engage students' minds in looking at a problem, analyzing and designing a model or solution, testing it, and redesigning to meet what's necessary to produce a viable outcome to the problem. This technique will prepare our students more fully for what they can expect in college classes and their future careers. Watch for more information regarding STEAM in our schools, or feel free to check out more information on Project Lead the Way at: .