New MSTEP Testing Kicks Off at EJHS
Escanaba Junior High 8th grade students have completed their first experience at the new Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (MSTEP). This assessment was our students first try at a fully online format of testing. After much preparation, involving taking practice tests provided by the Michgan Department of Education and trying out the new online testing tools that assist students during the test process, we have successfully completed one round of testing.
Seventh grade students will begin their MSTEP testing on Monday, May 4th with the English/Language Arts (ELA) Classroom Activity that will prepare them to do the ELA Performance task. The 7th Grade students will be testing daily through Monday, May 11th. Please make every attempt to have your child attend school during the testing period, as well as getting a full night's sleep and eating well. Cell phones are not permitted in the testing rooms, and students will be asked to leave them in lockers or at home for the day.
We are encouraging all students to try their best on the assessment. This will help provide an accurate measure of student performance and growth, as well as providing us the information needed to make effective instructional improvements to ensure student success. For more information regarding the MSTEP assessment, check out the link below:,4615,7-140-22709_70117---,00.html