Thursday, April 21, 2016

I am thoroughly excited to share with everyone who will listen that this week, the US News and World Report came out with their ranking of high schools and awards for top high schools throughout the nation. Escanaba High School has received a bronze award in both 2013 & 2015, however, I am pleased to announce that we received word this week that EHS has received a Silver Award and is ranked in the top 100 high schools in Michigan!  EHS is ranked 85th out of 850 High Schools in Michigan.  This is the first time that we have been ranked in the top 100 high schools, so we are thrilled!   If you would like information regarding the background behind this ranking and award feel free to check out: 

Congratulations to our 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students for a very successful State Testing week!  Students appeared to be well prepared, were on time and put forth a lot of effort during their testing periods.  Our 9th & 10th grade tried their hand at the PSAT test (practice SAT) for the first time, while our 11th grade students took their first shot at the SAT, followed by the Day 2 Work Keys, and Day 3 MSTEP (Science and Social Studies) tests.  Three days of testing was exhausting for our Juniors, but they were troopers and hung in there until the end.  I am very proud of them and their hard work.  We are all looking forward to a regular daily routine with our state testing done for another year.  If your child was absent for the SAT or Work Keys tests, they will be made up on Tuesday, April 26th and Wednesday, April 27th, 2016.  Thank you to all of our parents for making sure our students were in school on those days, fed, rested, and ready to think!

We will be working with all of our 9th - 11th grade students to set up an account in Collegeboard, as well as Khan Academy to make sure they are ready to see their test results and look for areas they need to focus on in preparation to retake it next year.  We will have more information to follow.  If you would like to begin looking at the Khan Academy site, feel free to go to this link and look around: