Sunday, September 23, 2012

PowerSchool is up and running!

Our PowerSchool grading / attendance system is up and running for the 2012-13 school year.  Please continue to monitor your child's attendance, assignments, and academic progress as frequently as possible. If you have difficulty signing into the PowerSchool portal, please feel free to contact Pam Hansen in the Jr. High Main Office. You can email her at

Friday, September 21, 2012

Jr. High After-school Tutoring Available!

Beginning on Monday, September 24th, there will be tutoring available Monday through Thursday from 2:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m.  Students should listen to announcements or stop by the Jr. High office to find out which room tutoring is being held in each day.  A teacher will be on hand for one on one support at this time.  This is a drop in situation in which a student may go any day they need additional support.  Please encourage your child to attend as often as they need to.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Great Start to a new school year!

Well...we are all settled in and becoming familiar with our new 7th and 8th grade home.  We had a great turnout for our Back to School Open House and would like to send out a huge "Thank You" to all those who took time out of their busy schedules to come with your children to meet their teachers and see their classrooms.  We have worked out a few of our first day kinks and finished the week as one of our smoothest in both the Jr. High and Sr. High.  Mr. Leisenring and I were so pleased.  It is so comforting to walk the halls each day and hear all of your children greeting me with a smile and "Hi Mrs. Griebel"!  We are getting to know each other quickly and I hope to know each of them personally in a short period of time. 

Powerschool will be up and running for parents and students in a couple of weeks.  This allows our teachers time to get their gradebooks and rosters ready for you to check on your students' progress regularly.  If you have trouble accessing the Powerschool parent portal, please contact the Jr. High Office to get help.  

MEAP testing will start on October 9th and run for approximately 2 weeks.  If your child misses a day of testing, there will be make up days to get them caught up.  Please encourage your child to get plenty of rest and eat well during that time.

Lastly, Our Challenge Day Program is coming soon.  Fifty of our 7th and fifty 8th graders have been randomly selected to take part and have received permission slips to attend.  These need to be returned to the Jr. High office by Friday, Sept. 14th in order to take part.  Any student who chooses not to attend needs to let the office know as soon as possible so that another student can have the opportunity to take part in this phenomenal opportunity.  This program will help improve our school climate by developing positive student/staff relationships and to increase tolerance and compassion for others and reduce bullying.  We are eager for our Challenge Days to begin!  If you would like to help out as an adult participant any of the three days (Oct. 2, 3, or 4th), please contact Marie Young ( to sign up.  If you would like to help with registration and sign in each day, please contact me at

Welcome Back to a new school year!  Please contact us with any questions or concerns.